Harbour Master Sailing Challenge 2019 to 2023 (Ireland nearly written up)


May 8, 2019
Captain Paul Thomas is a busy man in a busy port. My 8th harbour, Fowey, is very deceptive. At first glance a pretty yachty place with a Royal (and very friendly) Yacht Club. On second glance a non stop commercial port which turns over £3 million pounds and works 24/7 shifting China clay.

Paul's job ranges from door mouse survey's to dealing with dangerous cargo vessels. He describes it as a unique combination of leisure and commerce. A bit of an understatement! He has 20 working vessels under his command... a small navy for this ex Frigate Captain. His most bizarre job was having to dispose of a 40 ton Pilot Whale sadly washed up on a nearby beach.

I would like to say a special thanks to Paul, Emma and his office for allowing me to stay in Fowey while the weather prevents my onward passage west.

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