Harbour Master Sailing Challenge March 2019 to September 2023

HMS President & St Katharine Docks

April 6, 2022
HM 177. HMS President and St Katharine Docks

My final HM in London was a "late entry".... just downstream from Tower Bridge is the Royal Navy's smallest port, HMS President. Primarily a shore based "HMS", the Operations Officer, Lt Commander Jonathan White is also the Harbour Master.

The HQ of the London Division of the Royal Navy Reserve, HMS President, started life as a ship... and like many ship names, it has been re-used six times over the years. Some of the "Presidents" were in fact captured ships, both French and American. (photo 3)

The RNR itself was formed in 1858, and the first London reservists "drilled" in Fishmongers Hall before moving to an early HMS President ship moored in the Thames (photo 4). In 1903 the RNR became the RN Volunteer Reserve - the famous RNVR which went on to have so much action in both World Wars. It reverted to RNR in 1958.

The current "President" opened in 1998 as the largest RNR training base in the UK and currently has 330 reservists on the books. As HM, Jonathan oversees a secure Naval quayside for visiting RN vessels, foreign Navy vessels, tall ships and many other training vessels. Inside the training base, there is a stunning Officers' Mess Wardroom with a dining room table present at the Battle of Jutland. My guess is that it has seen plenty of "action" since! Thank you Jonathan for a great insight to your unique harbour.

HMS President is right next to St Katharine Docks (not St Katharine's Dock!) where Good Dog spent the winter. I would just like to thank Paul and all his staff @stkatsdocks for looking after her in this really special corner of London. We spent a spectacular new year's eve moored just off SKD. I cannot recommend more highly experiencing this stunning part of London from the water.

PS... yes another very tall HM!!

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