Harbour Master Sailing Challenge March 2019 to September 2023


September 20, 2021
HM 158. Southwold. Pretty, fast flowing and sometimes naked.

We swept past the narrow entrance to pretty Southwold harbour on our way south to catch the Orford Haven Bar, returning on foot a few days later to meet the super efficient Harbour Master Peter Simmons. The harbour resides on the fast flowing River Blyth which is a mile south of the town.

Although council owned, I get the feeling that a lot of the local community has a say in how the harbour is run. The increased threat of flooding, the complications of pile river moorings, and the expense of keeping the entrance safe must make for some long meetings! While we visited, over £1 million was being spent repairing the north pier - just an indication of how expensive small harbours are to maintain - and for whose benefit?

Most commercial fishing in Norfolk and Suffolk is done "off the beach," so Southwold Harbour offers rare protection from the unpredictable North Sea. Walking down the river bank you can tell from the age of the huts (photo 7) fishers have been here for many years. Peter confirmed there are "sixth generation" fishermen using his harbour. Trade is brisk with much of it being sold within a few feet of where it is landed and the high value fish like sole being trucked to Brixham market (which seems a long way away.)

However, I suggest fishing is not the biggest industry here - it must be tourism. A staggering 1.4 million* "day trips" a year are made to this honeypot town with its photogenic beach huts (photo 8) and famous brewery. My guess is it will be tourism which saves Southwold Harbour - I do hope so.

I always ask Harbour Master's what their most unexpected request has been - and Peter came out with one of the best... He was asked if his pretty harbour could be used for a calendar photo shoot - it was only once it was underway that he realised it was a naked calendar!

Thank you Peter. *Southwold Coastal Community Economic Plan 2017

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